Saturday, March 24, 2012

happy mood swing !

thats why I say.. sometimes no options is so much better.
Too many of them.. confuses you.. makes u think of more options
than what already is there.. errr
with exposure and advance life.. life will obviously be complicated.
it is impossible to dream of a simple one.. in this lifestyle and century.
even if u choose to lead the simple one..
but u still sometimes think about what you are missing.
ignorance is bliss. that is so true.

isn't it just frustrating.. that you think of something
and then google it.. and u see many of them like you
already thought of it..

ah! just going through my usual mood swings..
it helps :D to keep it rolling..
better than relaxing and settlign down..completely satisfied with what you have.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

*no title*

So, is it a new start again?
same direction or another..
my way or your way?
and the battle begins again..

Secret ingredient.. instinct..
no more ignorance.. no escaping..
being strong.. being independent..
handling psycho(s)..
being myself..


Monday, March 12, 2012

F5.. Refresh

There is this restless feeling I have been having for some time.. Don't know this feeling that this year is going to be different. My 2 years plan is over.. but you know.. when anything i plan really happens.
But, there have been ups and downs.. changes.. new arrivals.. old deleted things.
Just a feeling that 2012 is going to take a turn. Hope so. And hope some good turn.. 

If the so -called intuition works.. hoping for some unexpected life changing step.. atleast the first begin with. to begin with.. :D :p
yup started.. yoga.. feeling fresh inside out definitely opens a lot of ways to do some changes in life and career.. and come up with new ideas. 
Something to look forward to.. not just living it.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Portfolio

The link to my portfolio.. and few other things..
still updating and adding more..

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Strangest, when you know someone all over again after being together for ages.
Hated for life.. promised never to go back
Still when sad and heart is broken.. you think of that one person
Mental and emotional weakness.
Still want that support and warmth to make u feel better.
And it works.
How you want me to react to myself?
Angry or just being stupid
For a moment felt its starting again..
Forgot all the past trouble.
The excitement is back.
So the love is strong? Or the separation is effective.
Is good, feels like the end.. and may be it is.. and then it starts
From the end.. nothing to lose but this time
So much confusion and questions..
Ah! Isn’t it just exciting.
Best is.. still I feel that warmth, when I am lost !

Yet, time heals every wound.. and life
stops for nothing.
Destiny what teaches you..
there is always something better !